Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Fun in schools?

Dereek Braman says so in his article. He believes school should always be fun and teachers should have built in fun activities to reinforce learning. I feel that I have the priviledge of teaching a subject that is naturally fun. There are no tests, no grades, and generally no wrong answers. (I say generally because there is always the chance someone may stick a Sharpie up their nose...not quite the intended usage). But the opportunity students have when they come to art is the chance to try something and to have the feeling of "I made it." During art class, we are teaching our students there is more than one solution to a problem. Just as there is more than one way to view the world. What we give to students when we incorporate the creative arts into our schools is invaluable. They are learning an appreciation for others while also learning about themselves. And believe it or not, it's fun.

Speaking of having fun... Cats can, too! Here's Riley, celebrating her 5th Birthday. Notice the present already opened. Meow!

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